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About Us

Enhancing friendship and understanding between India and The Netherlands

Aims & Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Association are:

  • To promote the friendship, knowledge and understanding of the culture, history, philosophy, religions and social structure of India and the Netherlands between the people of both countries.

  • To further friendly relations between the peoples of India and the Netherlands by widening and deepening personal, cultural and social contacts.

Membership and Structure of the Association

Any individual or family agreeing with the objectives of the Association can become its ordinary member by filling in the membership form and paying the annual contribution. The annual contribution to NIA is the followings (excluding Service Fee):

Family member: € 50,-

Single member: € 30,-

Students: € 20,-

Honorary membership of the Association may be conferred upon individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of Indo-Dutch cultural cooperation.

The association functions under the general control and direction of the Executive Board, which is elected by and answerable to the General Meeting of the Association. The executive board elects the office bearers of the Association – president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. In their respective fields they are responsible for the daily functioning of the Association.


The Association strives to achieve its objectives by organizing different types of events such as musical and dance performances, talks and symposia, social get- togethers, films and exhibitions related to topics that are interesting to the members. In general it organizes about four to five activities every year, occasionally in cooperation with other organizations. These activities have constituted a meeting place for the Dutch and the Indians living in the Netherlands.

The Association is grateful for the support of many prominent political, judicial and religious leaders of both countries who have addressed its meetings and the outstanding Indian artists who have performed at its events.

More about our past, present and future acitivties can be found on the page What we do.

Indian Street

©2023 by the Netherlands India Association (NIA)

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